Opening Hours
Clinic Opening Hours
We will see your pet by appointment so that your pet receives our undivided care and attention.If you would like to have your pet seen by us or to place a medicine order over the phone, please do so during our normal office opening hours.
Monday-Friday; 9:00 – 18:00
Saturday; 9:00 – 16:00
Sunday; Closed
Bank and Public Holidays; Closed
24 Hour Emergency Service
We provide an Out of Hours emergency service to all our clients.
In case of emergency at any time please Ring: 025-33060.
All of our Out of Hours calls are diverted to the vet on duty. If the vet on duty is out of coverage or is busy dealing with a sick animal, his/her phone will be diverted to their message minder where you can leave a message about your emergency. They will ring you back as soon as they can.
Herd Health Information
Contact Details
Latest News

Best wishes to Niall Mc Mahon DVM, the latest recruit to our veterinary staff. Niall comes to us on the back of two very demanding Spring campaigns in North Kerry. Here’s to many happy years ahead.

Congratulations to our Veterinary Nurse, Liz Fuller on her recent marriage to Paul Tobin. We wish them both the very best for the future. May they have a long and happy life together.
We are very proud to offer a hearty congratulations to the All Ireland Champion in our midst. Recently our colleague, Amy, was victorious in the All Ireland Pairs competition. This was held
Pat Gowen, Ballyhindon, Fermoy receives his prize as winner of the Easter Draw at Duntahane Veterinary Clinic from Paul Redmond.
Congratulations to Eimear and Fran on the recent birth of their first born, a beautiful baby girl. Eimear worked with us from 2006 to 2011. We miss her from the practice but we are delighted with the good news and wish Eimear, Fran and Maeve all the best.
North American Veterinary Conference 2013
The North American Veterinary Conference was held between January 19th-23rd 2013 in Orlando, Florida. Paul Redmond MVB MRCVS Cert DHH was among 60 delegates who made the trip to further their knowledge. The conference was of vast proportions with over 300 lecturers talking for 1100 hours, so it was quite a job to decide which lectures to attend. Paul felt that while the lectures on the bovine side offered an opportunity to refresh certain aspects they also confirmed that we are more than up to date in Ireland with the developments in agri-veterinary thinking throughout the world.
Paul Redmond heading in to lectures with Pat Noonan.
The 9th of January proved to be another great night out for those who attended the Prime Health Vets presentation “Better Calf Health & Disease Prevention”. Our two speakers, David J Renney and Dr. Jim O’ Donovan gave a lot of information and food for thought. The night was finished off with a cheque presentation to Jeremy Meehan of Bóthar to the value of €4000 which were the proceeds of the night. A very big thank you to all who attended and helped make up this contribution.
Lyle Buttimer, Gurrane, Fermoy receiving his Christmas Hamper from Paul Redmond MVB MRCVS Cert DHH, following his win in the Christmas Hamper draw recently.
Upcoming event:
As a founder member of Prime Health Vets we are helping to organise the following seminar. The topic was picked due to the overwhelming support for it among our clients who attended the launch night of Prime Health Vets in Corrin Mart on October 3rd last. Again we have two excellent speakers and we hope that you will both enjoy the event and also gain some valuable information to help you in the coming calf rearing season.
Disease Prevention”
Seminar for Farmers
Cork Mart, Corrin, Rathcormac 9th Jan 2013, doors open 7.15pm,
Prime Health Vets is a group committed to best practice in animal health
for Irish farmers. You are invited to this farmer information seminar at
Corrin Mart on Wednesday 9thJanuary.
Managing the Cow for Calving, Colostrum & Bio-security
David J. Renney, MRCVS, Managing Director, Nimrod Veterinary Products
Infectious Diseases in the Neonatal Calf & Nutrition to Weaning
Jim O’Donovan MVB MSc DipRCPath, Veterinary Research Officer, The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Regional Veterinary Laboratory, Cork.
Book your tickets today…… Tickets €10 in aid of Bóthar – ALL proceeds from this seminar go to Bóthar. Tickets available from Duntahane Veterinary Clinic.
On the 3rd October 2012 a crowd of over 400 attended Corrin Mart, Fermoy to see Mr. Joe O’ Flaherty ( CEO of Animal Health Ireland) launch Prime Health Vets. He gave an informative talk on the work being done by AHI on BVD and Johnes before welcoming the initiative of Prime Health Vets. He was followed by Riona Sayers, Herd Health specialist from Teagasc Moorepark who gave us 10 Topical tips for the winter. The last speaker was Dr. Patrick Wall, former head of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland and the European Food Safety Authority and now Professor of Public Health at UCD. He lived up to his reputation, giving a funny and humorous delivery with a serious message.
Launch of Prime Health Vets:

Pictured at the launch in Corrin Mart, Fermoy, of Prime Health Vets are Dr. Patk. Wall ( Professor of Public Health at UCD), Paul Redmond ( Chairperson of Prime Health Vets) and Mr. Joe O’ Flaherty ( CEO of Animal Health Ireland)
We have co-founded Prime Health Vets which is a group of 10 Irish veterinary practices. While we will continue to operate our practice as before, we will be able to use PHV to supply you with topical and profitable advice through newsletters, and also be able to invite you to practical training days and seminars. As the only Irish based organisation of its kind, PHV links the unique qualities of Irish farm production with the demands of the global marketplace. The first seminar, Healthy Animals for Healthy Profits, takes place at Corrin Mart, Rathcormac, on Wednesday 3rd October. The speakers on the night will be Dr Paddy Wall, who is a world authority on food safety, and Riona Sayers, one of the most respected researchers on the effect that animal diseases have on animal health and therefore farm profits.
While we would be delighted if all clients would be able to attend this free event registration is required. To be sure of a place, please register for tickets with the office. Tel :025-33060.
Congratulations to Amy on her marriage on Thursday 9th August to Kevin.
A lovely couple. We wish them all the best that life has to offer.
Duntahane Newsletter Issue 20 – December 2015
Duntahane Newsletter Issue 19 – September 2015
Duntahane Newsletter Issue 18 – July 2015
Duntahane Newsletter Issue 17 – April 2015
Duntahane Newsletter Issue 16 – December 2014
Duntahane Newsletter Issue 15 -Sept 2014
Duntahane Newsletter Issue 14 -June 2014
Duntahane Newsletter Issue 13 -April 2014
Duntahane Newsletter Issue 12 -December 2013
Duntahane Newsletter Sept 2013
Duntahane Newsletter Winter 2011
Duntahane Newsletter Autumn 2011
Duntahane Newsletter Summer 2011
Draw winners
November Draw winner 2015
August Draw winner 2015
Facebook Draw June 2015
March Draw Winner 2015
Clinic Christmas Hamper Winner 2014
Christmas Hamper winner 2014
October Draw winner 2014
July Draw winner 2014
Christmas Hamper winner 2013
Christmas Hamper Winner 2011